Certified Wireless IoT Connectivity Professional - CWICP

CWNP | CWICP | Certified Wireless IoT Connectivity Professional

Certified Wireless IoT Connectivity Professional - CWICP

Vendor:  CWNP

Upcoming classes: See Class Calendar

Class Overview

This official Certified Wireless IoT Connectivity Professional , or CWICP, certification training class is an important component of CWNP’s portfolio.

It is part of a parallel track to CWNP’s wireless training certification suite, and is aimed at bridging the gap between the worlds of wireless and Internet of Things. It investigates how wireless works, from an IoT perspective, and is excellent training in IoT for the wireless engineer.

The Certified Wireless IoT Connectivity Professional understands IoT connectivity standards and operation in business and industrial networks. This knowledge can be applied to deploy and troubleshoot the most common wireless IoT protocols with an in-depth understanding of their operations.

A CWICP should be able to identify the technology and security requirements for a given IoT solution.

The student must have a working knowledge of Wireless, Cellular, and IoT technologies and is ideal for engineers who have at least 3 years of experience in the field.

This class provides the networking professional with a solid foundation of knowledge for advancing within the wireless IoT networking industry.

Class Details


By the end of this training, the student should be able to:
- describe Wireless Networking and Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies
- explain RF characteristics related to IoT protocols
- identify the MAC and PHY of the most common wireless IoT protocols
- explain security features of wireless IoT protocols
- describe Troubleshooting methods for wireless IoT connections

Prerequisite Knowledge Advisory

To be successful in this training class, the student should possess:
- an active Certified Wireless Network Administrator (CWNA) certification
- an active Certified Wireless IoT Solutions Administrator (CWISA) certification
- a good understanding of Wireless Networking
- a working understanding of Cellular Telephony Communication
- familiarity with Internet of Things

CWICP Certification Training Class Outline

Module 1: Wireless IoT Connectivity Solutions
Module 2: Wireless IoT Components
Module 3: Radio Frequency in Wireless IoT
Module 4: IEEE 802.15.4 PHY and MAC
Module 5: LoRa/LoRaWAN and Sigfox
Module 6: Bluetooth PHY and MAC
Module 7: 6LoWPAN Protocols
Module 8: Zigbee Protocol
Module 9: Thread and Z‐Wave
Module 10: WirelessHART and ISA100.11a
Module 11: Wireless IoT and Security
Module 12: Validation and Troubleshooting of Wireless IoT Solutions

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